Halfway Through…☺️

Louis Leffler
2 min readMar 24, 2021


Okay, So currently I am in MOD3, its code challenge week, I am feeling a way..

Have you ever heard of imposter syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is where you feel like a penguin in a room full of rabbits.. except you have a bunny suit on trying to pretend your a rabbit.. and your afraid that sometime soon there will be a hop competition and you can’t stand to bear everyone knowing you can’t hop like a rabbit because you aren't a rabbit!

Lately I have been feeling a VERY certain way… For a while I was absolutely crushing, coding away, late nights, feeling INSPIRED! … Then… THE FUNK! I hit it, and it hard.. what the hell am I doing? Can I actually get a job doing this? You are kidding me right? I am an absolute baby DEV!

The focus of this week: GET OUTTA THE FUNK!

How will I do this you ask?


Write down my intentions, time box my week. Start cleaning up my mind and the physical space around me. Focus on the things that are easy first, then start crushing away at the hardest tasks. Yesterday I did ALL the laundry while I watched lectures on coding, double up! double up! Trying to keep my attention at my desk ALL day without focusing on my wife or the dogs or anything else around me makes me feel EXTREMELY depressed. Staring at people in boxes all day with no human contact talking to a computer directly has made me FUNK. This I have realized, and therefore I have decided to not only change the way I go about my day, but focus on NOT getting sucked into the blue screen, time boxing baby! Set that timer, code! LEARN! have fun! Then when the timer goes off, set another timer for your other stuff that is equally important (wife cuddles, dog cuddles, laundry, and taking out the trash {both physically and mentally}. )

So yes dear reader, time boxing is an important skill computer programming has taught me, and I have decided to not only apply it to my learning, but incorporate it into my daily life and habits. I will add a nice *edit* section at the bottom of this post after I have implemented this into my daily routine in a satisfactory way… I will lay out more details.. stay tuned( C#) 😉



Louis Leffler

Full stack software engineer documenting their journey thru the wonderful world of "coding bootcamp" life .. lessons, suggestions, and maybe... some code!